Let me take a minute to State the obvious. Donald Trump’s election to the Presidency of the United States had countless historic ramifications. It stunned, amazed, and appalled a great many people. But what amazed me was the immediate aftermath and what it revealed.
President Trumps winning the White House was like ripping a band-aid off what we all thought was a minor flesh wound, but instead revealed a ghastly laceration. One nowhere near healing. Left to fester for too long it has grown gangrenous and infected. To the point, standard antibiotics are no longer sufficient. The Washington cesspool is a diseased gash literally draining the life from our nation.
Now that the bandages are gone, the infection is far, far worse than imagined.
In the movie, ‘Alien’ (1979) a parasitic creature is injected into a victim where it grows secretly in his stomach until reaching maturation. At which point it explodes from his abdomen, killing him instantly. I’m afraid the nation we called the United States of America is in an identical situation.
Most of us were not aware of it, but for several decades now, a nation has been growing within our country. A nation patiently gestating inside our own, every bit the Parasite. Waiting for its chance to not only burst forth from the American womb but gleefully kill its host in the process. Think I’m too cynical and overdramatic?
I’m not.
This new pseudo-nation HATES ours. It hates America more than it hates Western Civilization, and believe me; it hates that with a passion. For all its complaining about human rights and uplifting the dignity of the poor, this new nation has absolutely no use for the Bill of Rights or the Constitution of the United States. These things are irritants to be extinguished moments after its birth.
I don’t care if you like Donald Trump or not. He isn’t the issue. Whatever your opinion of him, we all owe the man an enormous amount of gratitude. Without his victory, I fear this Parasite within our borders would have grown utterly unchecked until it felt confident enough to put the final nail in the coffin for America once it had amassed enough power to wipe our freedoms away for good it would have done so gladly.
Well, now, thanks to Trump, we all know it’s here! This State has been born prematurely. We can see it every time we turn on the TV and watch a Newscast. Or read the New York Times or watch the elites talking among themselves even though the cameras are on!
They can’t help themselves! They can’t hide what they are anymore! Many are now openly in favor of promoting Socialism in America. Some are among the current batch of Presidential contenders on the Democratic ticket! Twenty-five years ago, unabashedly espousing your belief in Socialism would have immediately ENDED a Presidential run. Today it doesn’t make a dent!
Do any of you really believe these people wouldn’t abolish freedom of speech if they had the chance?
Or freedom of the Press?
Do they believe in Juris Prudence? The answer is obviously No!
Do you think they respect the individual’s right to practice their own religion without Government harassment? If so, you are crazy!
In America, we believe a group of people like the Amish have the right to practice their religion and way of life without punishment from the State. This is a uniquely American idea, one we are proud of. But have no doubt, this new nation has no such ethic to it. To them, the existence of any group defying the almighty State, living outside of Government edict is outrageous and sickening!
Tolerating the Amish or any other religious group will be a thing of the past, a past then erased from all government sanctioned history books. Raising your children the way you see fit and not by the Governments design will be a capital crime. The new almighty State will see all children as its offspring, to do with as it sees fit. Does anyone remember the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?
Why do you think they hate the Home Schooling movement so much? Because those children are no longer under State control. They are free from political indoctrination. For the Left, this is abhorrent! To them the purpose of education isn’t education, it’s about reeducation.
Look at their disrespect for our Founding Fathers. Their hatred for our history. Their open contempt for the Electoral College. Their visceral disgust for our men and women in the armed forces. Their loathing for our Police, mainly because they enforce OUR LAWS. Laws they detest.
They no longer hide their disgust for our institutions! Openly wanting to tear down statues of historical figures they object to for erroneous reasons.
If you are reading this, let me ask you, how long before they openly demand George Washington’s likeness be taken down anywhere and everywhere across the county? How long before they start a petition to demolish Mt. Rushmore? Or remove Washington (and any founding father) from our currency?
I guarantee you will see this in your lifetime.
They talk about how much they hate, “the big corporations” and fear censorship but have no problem when the biggest corporation in the world restricts people’s right to freedom of speech — Tech giants who publically condemn censorship on Monday while stealthily enforcing it on Wednesday. Then hailed as “progressive institutions” by the Left. Freely engaging in what can only be labeled as “electronic book burning.”
They clearly see the Bill of Rights as an irritant. One they are dying to get rid of.
Universities and Colleges are like the ‘topsoil’ of our civilization. The fertile ground from which all else grows, which is precisely why this parasitic political virus targeted and infected them first. From this base, its branches were able to extend into every corner of our society. Every profession. Every institution.
This festering malignancy spread like cancer through all our civic foundations. Corrupting them to the core. Look at our Higher Education. We don’t have colleges and universities anymore; we have political indoctrination seminaries. And decades ago, this infection spread from there to Public Education, which is now the most expensive and inefficient in the western world.
The Public School System is a disaster because they wanted it to be a disaster. You can ignore their lies about “lack of funding” and “not enough money for schools.” (Notice they always blame Military spending for this) The public school system is exactly what they wanted to be. It was deliberately engineered to be the catastrophic failure it is.
The school system didn’t fall apart because of a “lack of funding” and neglect. It was SABOTAGED! Deliberately sabotaged to be what it is now! Don’t believe their crap anymore! Stop listening to Leftists when they complain about our education system! This is precisely what they wanted, an uneducated, uninformed population that will be easy to rule.
Do we have a Free Press anymore? How can we? Trump’s victory revealed the mass media for what it is; the functioning propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Thanks to him there’s no hiding it anymore! This is why they hate FOX News because it’s the last hold out for real journalism.
On that note, there aren’t Journalists anymore! We have political activists masquerading as journalists. They claim it’s frightening when President Trump attacks the Press, but the truth is, THERE IS NO PRESS anymore! He’s attacking the propaganda wing of a political party he doesn’t belong to, one that hates him and wants him out of office. What the Media call, “frightening,” I call something else. Namely, A BACKBONE!
A backbone of steel housed inside a President who doesn’t roll over like a wimp at every cheap shot these phonies take at him. They are bullies, and the one thing all bullies count on is their intended victim not hitting back. Well, this President hits back and hits back hard! That’s why they hate him so much!
In case you’re not grasping what’s really going on here I’ll make it as clear as possible. The Press aren’t hypocrites, and they aren’t biased against him, no sir. They are SOLDIERS! Soldiers in a war. A war they declared decades ago. A war the Republicans are too stupid to recognize is happening right in front of their faces!
Like all soldiers, they are dedicated to a cause. Destroy the enemy! Isn’t that the creed on every soldier’s lips? Their loyalty isn’t to America; it’s to one political party. A Leftist Party. The National Socialist Party. The Parasite that slipped and revealed itself too soon.
Journalism schools are nothing more than basic training camps for propaganda brigades. How long before they’re teaching students how to throw Molotov cocktails instead of grammar? In college, journalists use to learn about being impartial and reporting just the facts on any given story. Not now.
Here is how “Journalism” works today;
A prominent Politician is involved in a fatal hit-and-run accident one night, causing the death of a five-year-old girl.
In the past, a journalist would find out who the Politician was and report the facts. Now, the journalist asks, “What party was he in?” Because if it’s a Democrat, that story will DISAPPEAR!
Like I said, their loyalty is no longer to country. It is to a political party. Whatever hurts the Democrats is “evil.” Why do you think Black and Hispanic unemployment numbers aren’t reported on the Nightly News? Because they are the lowest in history, thanks to President Trump!
If the Democrats can’t take credit for it, then it didn’t happen. Who cares if more Black men are working now than ever before?
Why do you think they won’t report the statics for Black on Black crime? Because it would damage the Democrat Party’s narrative on victimization. Because the average person would no longer feel sorry for a “victim group” if they believed they were killing each other. If it doesn’t advance the Democrat cause the American version of Pravda won’t report on it.
I use to wonder why there weren’t more cable News networks like FOX. Every year I’d hear about their ratings being astronomically higher than all their competitors combined. That equals revenue and a lot of it. If a so-called, “Conservative News Network” was creaming its competition in the ratings that meant massive losses for networks like CNN and MSNBC.
Anyone who knows anything about business knows competition drives innovation. If your competitor is outperforming you in the marketplace, you find out what they are doing right and then do it better. And once you are doing it better, you’re generating mega-profits.
But it’s been twenty years.
Twenty years of FOX running circles around its competition and none have even tried copying a winning business model. FOX is still the ONLY cable News channel to even attempt fair journalistic practices by presenting both sides while the others continue to lose market share. So why haven’t we seen similar News Networks?
Because the sad truth is financial success and journalistic integrity were never their real goals. For several decades now it’s been about Political Propaganda, even at the expense of business failure. Lie to the American public at all cost. Who cares about money and ratings? Keep the public ill-informed.
I’m afraid the real issue now is this; what comes after Trump? The Left/Democrats hate our country and want to see it brought down. And good luck looking to the Republicans for help! The word, “leadership” isn’t in their spaghetti spine vocabulary! They’re about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane.
If we are going to save this country, then we are going to have to start electing average people into office. Business people, working people, entrepreneurs. People like Joe the Plumber or Phil the Truck Driver.
Harvard, Yale, and Princeton graduates are OUT! Ivy League might as well be Little League! People with Ph.D.’s are badly cut off from the plight of the average person. And they don’t care. They’re incapable of empathy. I should know, I’ve worked around them for twenty years. I would vote for a single Mom who worked at Home Depot for ten years sooner than I’d pull the lever for another Ivy League-educated Rhodes Scholar. We’ve had that before and look where it got us!
This Parasite isn’t going to give up, but at least we know it’s there now. It’s time to fight back. President Trump showed us how. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and follow in his footsteps. Stand tall, make a fist and run for local office. Or your school board. Whatever it takes. Change has to start somewhere. Let it start now!
Well said! I am afraid for the future.