It’s ironic. The Party obsessed with Identity Politics is now in an Identity Crisis. Unsure what direction it should take or where to stand on the National stage. Or perhaps I should say, it knows the direction it wants to go, but it in no way resembles the American Public’s desired path. It turns out openly admitting they want to provide free medical care for all illegal aliens wasn’t what voters wanted to hear. So now, with the damage done, what course do they take moving forward?
Right now, the far Left wing of the Democrat Party has claimed the mantle of Party leadership (without consulting its constituency, of course) and seems confident espousing ideas that alienate the average voter. Somehow this is seen as a clear path for winning back the White House.
The current crop of Democrat front runners has adopted the “General George Armstrong Custer Strategy for political victory.” Meaning an electoral version of ‘Little Bighorn’ is sure to follow, and establishment higher-ups can see it coming! Why else did former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick recently announce he is entering the race? Why did former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, jump in as well? Because Democrat party officials have lost faith in their candidates’ chances for success. Defeat is inevitable if things continue on their present course. It is January 2020, and there is still no clear front-runner. Not a good sign.
On October 22, 2019, The New York Times published an article, entitled “Anxious Democratic Establishment Asks, Is There Anybody Else?” With the subhead reading: “Party leaders who are fatalistic about Democrats’ chances in 2020 are musing about possible late entrants to the race. Sherrod Brown?” Michelle Obama?
Even the NYT is admitting things don’t look good. An intensely worse sign.
Heading over the Identity Cliff
Joe Biden, still the perceived front runner, appears not to know where he is half the time. I’m not saying this to be humorous or make fun of the guy; I honestly believe the man has serious health issues and should not be running for President, this is glaringly obvious to me. If he goes up against Trump in any debate, he’ll be torn to pieces like a rag doll in the jaws of a pit-bull.
Within the Democrat party, panic is starting to set in. If the DNC were a boat, it would have the name ‘Titanic’ stamped on the hull, and right now, it’s heading for an iceberg at full steam! At least someone is making an effort to grab the wheel and change course before it’s too late.
Enter Michael Bloomberg, self-made billionaire and former Mayor of the City of New York. The man served three consecutive terms beginning in 2001 (12 years total), right on the heels of the 9/11 attacks when New York was reeling from economic disaster.
Before running for Mayor of New York, Bloomberg had never held political office. He was an outsider long before Donald Trump decided to dip his toe into the cesspool of politics. Interestingly Bloomberg was a lifelong Democrat until 2001 when he switched parties to run for Mayor as a Republican — changing back in 2018 to Democrat.
For the most part, depending on who you talk to, he was a capable Mayor — bringing his managerial skills to work on one of the most bloated bureaucracies in the nation. When he entered office, New York City had a $6 billion dollar deficit. When he completed his third and final term, the Big Apple had a surplus of $3 billion. I wish Obama had those numbers.
A Political Paradox begins
Bloomberg considers himself a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. In a nutshell, he is;
- Pro-choice
- In favor of legal same-sex marriage
- A proponent of stricter gun control laws
On the other hand, fellow Democrats Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are each considered fiscal lunatics, not to mention rabid social justice warriors. And this is where the Democrats’ problem starts to evolve. To the average American voter, who is more appealing?
Michael Bloomberg’s net worth is estimated at $58 billion, making him the 9th richest person in the United States and 14th richest person in the world. He is a philanthropist who, as of November 2018, has given away $8.2 billion. Bloomberg isn’t just in the 1%. He’s in the .01%.
Whether you like the guy or not, you must admit he displays a certain intelligence when it comes to financial matters. An intelligence I don’t see in his rivals for the nomination. Not even in Andrew Yang, who I’m told is a successful businessman. Something I cannot see when I listen to his ideas. He comes across as an economic fruitcake.
Herein lays the problem; Michael Bloomberg is a billionaire, in a party that HATES billionaires. Not to mention straight, white males above the age of 30. A member of the 1%, part of the dreaded “Patriarchy.” And he’s Jewish. A fact that doesn’t bother most Americans unless you’re a member of The Squad. Then you have a real problem (more on that later).
Party Schizophrenia
Many are quick to dismiss Bloomberg as a viable candidate, but I feel they are missing some of his vital positive aspects. Obviously, he knows how to run a business. He must know something about the economy and how it works. FAR MORE so than his competition!
How many jobs has Elizabeth Warren created in her life? Without knowing the facts, I feel entirely comfortable saying, ‘Zero.’ How many jobs has Bernie Sanders created in his life? Once again, without knowing the facts, ‘Zero’ is a decent guess. How many jobs has Michael Bloomberg created throughout his career? The actual number has to be tens of thousands realistically. Does this one simple fact not propel him to the top of the list should he decide to run?
To any sane voter, the answer is YES!
He also comes across as a moderate when compared to the Leftist menagerie we have now. Whether he is or isn’t is debatable. The fact is, he comes across as the ONLY ADULT on a Little League team manned by angry Junior High School students!
Say what you will about him, but even the appearance of being a mature leader is enough to overshadow the batch of out-of-touch elitists, bureaucrat, big government spewing, academics we have now. All the Democrats running for President are like the cast of some political version of ‘The Adams Family.’
Bloomberg winning the nomination would be the most significant case of Mass Schizophrenia ever recorded. He is the LAST person they wanted! In a party more concerned with diversity than economic growth, having an old, straight, white billionaire as their leader would be like Jesse Jackson elected Grand Imperial Dragon of the KKK. It’s not the direction they want to go in. Hence the reason for Michelle Obama’s name being tossed around. To say the Left will abandon ship with Bloomberg at the helm is an understatement.
Unforgivable Sins
The Left has never forgiven Bloomberg for his “crimes.” Under his tenure as Mayor of New York, he implemented the unpardonable sin known as ‘Stop and Frisk.’ Which only lowered the crime rate in America’s largest city. An absolutely indefensible offense to the Left.
He also allowed ICE to do their job as mandated by Federal Law. Can you imagine? Federal agents were permitted to deport convicted felons, after a trial and incarceration, back to their countries when it was discovered they had entered the U.S. illegally. For the Left, this is worse than most war crimes.
What happens when Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders brings this to light during the campaign? It stands to reason some percentage of Democrats are moderate and not hardcore Leftists. Won’t these issues appeal to them on some level? Making Bloomberg infinitely more appealing than Warren or Sanders? What if Bloomberg states he is not in favor of providing free medical care for all illegal aliens? (I don’t know if he is or isn’t, I’m just proposing a possible scenario) He’d be the ONLY Democrat opposed to this.
If Bloomberg won the nomination, the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren crowd would feel abandoned and left out in the cold. There is no way they’d vote for Michael Bloomberg. That base would be lost. But if there is still such a thing as a ‘Blue Collar Democrat’ or a Moderate center, Bloomberg would be an attractive candidate.
He’d also appeal to Republicans turned off by Trump’s over-the-top style. The “Never Trump” wing of the Republican Party. If nominated, Bloomberg will come across as “Trump Lite” or “Diet Trump.” A successful millionaire businessman from Manhattan who is not a politician and speaks softly with some sense of class. Basically, Trump without the rough edges. A kinder, gentler Donald. A Bloomberg candidacy would lose the hard Left but have a good chance at appealing to the Center.
Hail to the Swamp
Even if Bloomberg were to win the White House and put an end to the dreaded Trump Presidency, his victory would not satiate the growing anxiety of Washington’s elitist swamp dwellers. The political ruling class will still be in dismay. Two Presidential elections in a row with a relative outsider winning is NOT their goal. The ruling class believes it is their RIGHT to rule what they consider the “lesser classes.” In fact, they’ve been anointed to be our Lords.
Having successful people from the Private Sector enter their world is akin to inviting a vampire to a church picnic. It’s not going to happen. They see Government bureaucracy as their sacred stomping ground. Who cares if that bureaucracy wastes tax payer’s money by the billions? Who cares if it crushes individual initiative and wipes out dreams? Who cares if Johnny Lunchpale can no longer feed his family or attain the American dream? They can all just go on welfare and enjoy the luxuries of Section 8 housing as far as the Deep State is concerned!
This is how the elite think. This is why they are so angry at President Trump. They don’t want any outsiders playing in their yard. A Bloomberg victory would only solidify the idea the public is fed up and mentally done with politicians. We want something else. We want results. A concept as alien in Washington as the term’ honesty.’
If Donald Trump’s presidency is a crack in the damn that maintains their power, a Michael Bloomberg presidency would be a further widening of that fissure. How long before the entire structure collapses?
If by some odd twist of fate Bloomberg is the nominee and does run against Trump, the Democrat identity crisis will be complete.
A House Divided
How can a Pro-Business billionaire run the National Socialist Party of America?! Would the Hatfield’s nominate a McCoy to run for Governor of Kentucky? According to a recent interview with Michael Moore, he states, “I am the Left. I am the Center. Americans agree with me and Bernie.”
If Michael Moore is correct, if he does indeed represent the average Democrat, then Michael Bloomberg doesn’t. In their haste to be rid of Trump, the Democrats might get stuck with a figurehead they can’t deal with. Much the same way, the Republican Party was saddled with Teddy Roosevelt in 1901.
Mayor Bloomberg is an old, white male. He suffers from White Privilege and is a one-percenter. For the last three years, this is precisely the demographic the most vocal voices on the Left have railed against. They hate rich white males! How can they have one leading their Party?
On a side note, a lot of elitist Dems in New York and Los Angeles believe Bloomberg’s being Jewish will be a negative when it comes to their most favored punching bag, that being “Flyover Country.” Because according to them, this won’t go over well in the Midwest. But if they got off the clueless train for just a minute, they might catch wind of who this bothers in actuality.
Namely, ‘The Squad!’ Most of whom have done a poor job when it comes to masking their overt anti-Semitism. (Oh yes, that’s right, you heard it from me! Ilhan Omar hates Jews! Rashida Tlaib hates Jews! Stop trying to kid yourself!)
The Squad’s growing political power has been a thorn in Nancy Pelosi’s side for almost two years now. Her attempts to rain them in and stop embarrassing the Party have been futile. Call me crazy, but if a rich, white, Jewish Male is the Democrat choice for President, something tells me The Squad isn’t going to try too hard to conceal their disapproval.
Time to jump ship
Then what? How does a party that hates rich, white, straight males and capitalism live with a successful capitalist straight, white male as its leader?
Since President Trump’s election back in 2016, many have feared a second civil war in America. If Michael Bloomberg is the Democrat nominee for President, I think you’ll see a civil war alright, but within the Democrat Party! Because it will tear itself apart.
What happens when the radicals and socialists demand change? What happens when the moderate and silent wing of the Party starts to speak up and voice their approval for Bloomberg? Why not have a mature, reasonable, successful individual run the country? What’s wrong with that?
To the Radical Left, the answer is PLENTY!