Non-President Joe Biden is arrogant and completely clueless
In case you’re wondering why the Administration didn’t evacuate over 10,000 American civilians from Afghanistan before the military, as recommended by Biden’s own staff, I’ll spell it out for you. Joe Biden is arrogant and completely clueless. Incompetence is the name of the game at the White House.
When his staff told him NOT to proceed with his withdrawal plan because it would likely mean an all-out Taliban takeover, he was incapable of admitting he was wrong and therefore needed to alter his plan. According to him, he knows what he’s doing and shouldn’t have to take advice from anyone. (Then why have any staff in the first place?)
Evacuating civilians and removing BILLIONS of dollars worth of military weaponry would have been a partial admission of the possibility of potential failure. So, of course, all those lives didn’t outweigh Biden’s infernal need not to lose face and at least appear like a decisive leader. As far as he was concerned, he simply was RIGHT, and there was no other option. Taking precautions and protecting thousands of lives was never a consideration. That would “look bad.”
Meanwhile, the Taliban have been watching the same News the rest of us have since January, and you know what they saw in the White House? A weak, senile, old man with no idea where he is or what he’s doing. It became evident to them tossing aside ANY agreement made with us would have absolutely ZERO consequences. And from what we’ve seen the last several days, THEY WERE 100% RIGHT!!!
But it gets worse!
How does this grab you? Joe Biden reneged on an agreement with the Afghan government to provide air support for their military, giving the Afghan forces a decisive edge over the Taliban. With that gone, the Afghanis were screwed!
People who say the government fled like cowards are incorrect. America promised something and then mysteriously took it away at the last minute. At that precise moment, the President of Afghanistan and the military knew they’d been deserted by a weak, ineffective bureaucrat who embodies the term “unreliable.”
In other words, they felt abandoned.
So faced with the impending capture by a group of people who make a zombie horde look downright compassionate, THEY RAN FOR IT! Can you blame them?
And this is far from over, folks! Because now the Taliban can potentially take thousands of Americans HOSTAGE and hold them for over a decade (very likely), dragging this out for years to come, constantly reminding the American people and the world of the complete stupidity of the Biden Administration. In other words, this will hang like an albatross around his neck for the next three and a half years!
Imagine if some of these hostages are women and children? We will watch their pleading faces on the nightly News every day from now until 2024 while Biden makes one ineffective attempt after another to get them back.
Do you know why they’ll be ineffective? Because the Taliban know they can do anything they want without fear of reprisals! They have nothing to fear from the Commander in Thief! Calling him a paper tiger would be kind! He’s about as intimidating as Ted Wheeler welding a Nerf baseball bat!
It’s dé·jà screw all over again!
The Iranian Hostage Crisis brought down the Jimmy Carter administration, and that was 66 people. What we’re dealing with now is the same situation on steroids! On Monday, I saw Biden giving a press conference in which he stated the importance of getting all the Afghans who helped us out of Afghanistan as soon as possible. This was two days before I found out there are over 10,000 Americans still there. I am floored THEY WEREN’T his first priority!
Do you realize some of the 10,000 Americans trapped in Afghanistan are Democrats? And they probably voted for Biden?! I wonder how they feel now after their hero deemed their lives unworthy of consideration!
We are seven months into his “Presidency,” and his staff has turned on him, throwing him under the bus in one interview after another. When George Stephanopoulos interviewed him, you could CLEARLY SEE the incredulity on his face as he attempted to grapple with the stupidity of the man seated in front of him!
I’m not exaggerating when I say the “Biden Presidency” is now over. Biden’s numbers are cratering, and if hostages are taken (as I’m positive they will be), this entire catastrophe will hang over his head for the next 1,095 days. And he looks like a complete idiot when trying to talk his way out of this.
He told Stephanopoulos, “We knew there’d be chaos when we pulled out. It was unavoidable. We factored it in.”
If you knew there would be chaos pulling out, then WHY DID YOU LEAVE 10,000 CIVILIANS BEHIND?!!!
The sheer stupidity of the statement is MIND BOGGLING!!!
But he’s Mr. Globalist!
Our Allies no longer trust us, you know why? Because Biden neglected to inform NATO of our pullout! They had no idea we were leaving and got caught with their pants down! Now 6,500 allied Troops are trapped behind enemy lines! How would you feel if you were them?
Do you think any of these countries will work with us again? Or at least till his royal weakness leaves office? Who would trust this man now?
I wish Uncle Joe had called upon the team of Democrats who orchestrated the stealing of the 2020 presidential election and had them apply the same level of strategic planning to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. We’d all be awed by their effectiveness on a global scale! It would have been so precise a military maneuver; Alexander the Great would turn over in his grave from pure jealously!
By the way, this had only just begun when Biden starting saying we must open our arms to as many Afghan refugees as possible and resettle them here in America because that’s never been a bad idea. Incredible, 10,000 Americans are in desperate need of rescue, and he’s thinking about a massive open door immigration scheme for people who make the Flintstones look like Modern Family! He undoubtedly wants to do what Obama did to Minneapolis. Turn it into a solid Democrat voting block so we can have more Ilhan Omar’s in office. (Obama deliberately resettled an enormous number of Somali refugees there for precisely that reason). After all, giving a desperate refugee asylum can’t possibly backfire. Look how well she turned out!
Bringing tens of thousands of Muslim men from the Middle East is a good idea because there is zero chance any one of them is a terrorist. I have so much confidence the Biden administration will thoroughly vet all of them. The way he handled our Southern Border is another shining example of his competence! It really puts my mind at ease!
Notice any Masks?
Oh, by the way, does anyone remember a little thing called COVID 19? You and I can’t go to the movies or any public space anymore because it is “dangerous” and might spread the infection. But hey! Let’s bring 30,000 people from a part of the world where clean drinking water and penicillin are still urban legends and drop them in your backyard! That’s a great plan! Because I have complete faith the Administration will test ALL OF THEM for covid before letting their kids go to school with yours! It’s far more likely they have polio than COVID!
And if you’re a concerned Democrat, don’t worry; all these new Afghan neighborhoods will be in Red States, of course. That way, we can flip them Blue!
Ah, good old Joe Biden, always thinking! What good is a massive, global tragedy with repercussions that will last for decades if you can’t use it to guarantee more loyal voters, all beholding to the Democrat party?
It’s the Democrat creed; never let a disaster go to waste!
Put this on the growing pile of things I can’t comprehend; why would ANY Afghani vote for a Democrat after this catastrophe? Joe Biden lost their country and handed it over to a gang of maniacs. And for this, the Democrats think these people will be grateful? Are you kidding me?!!!
Why is it always considered “compassionate” to bring refugees to America? Does it ever occur to anyone these people might NOT want to move here? They might like or even love their own country? Who wants to be forcibly moved over 10,000 miles from their ancestral home to a nation with entirely different languages, customs, and cultures? I certainly wouldn’t.
Of course, if Joe Biden wasn’t the poster child for complete incompetence, these people could still be living in their homes and not clinging to the side of a plane. That’s what the Democrats call “Compassion.”
Joe Biden is arrogant and completely clueless
They claim Trump is a misogynist and HATE him for it. Afghanistan has a population of 40 million; let’s say half of that is female. Joe Biden just handed 20 million defenseless women over to guys with a triple black belt in MISOGYNY! If they gave out trophies for “World’s Best Misogynist,” with subcategories like ‘Wife Beating,’ ‘Child Rape,’ and ‘Forced Female Castration,’ most of the Taliban would have a glass case in their den to house them because there wasn’t enough room over the fireplace right next to the scimitar!
How’s that for progress, folks?
I think it STINKS!
Let’s face it; this was all about the Politics of Spite. The lives of 40 million human beings never factored into Biden’s decision. They paled in comparison to the almighty Democrat Commandment, “Thou shalt not give Donald Trump any credit.” If he had just stuck to the Trump plan, we’d all be better off, but then we’d have to praise “The Donald”, and that’s a higher price to pay than the lives of a few thousand people clinging to the side of an airplane, right?