The question on everyone’s lips, who won the debate Tuesday night between Kamala Harris and President Donald Trump?
The question is mute. Why? This was NOT a debate; it was NOT a fair fight. It was, for all purposes, an ambush. No one won the debate. It was rigged and, therefore, invalid.
Hear me out.
Pretend two famous Race Car drivers challenge each other to a race. Let’s say a Blue Driver and a Red Driver. The night before the race, one of the judges lets the air out of the tires of the Red Driver’s car. Another judge pours sugar into his gas tank.
The next day, the Red Driver loses the race.
Did the Blue Driver really win? Did the Red Driver really lose?
No. It wasn’t an actual race, and this is what we had on Tuesday: a scam, a preplanned three-on-one pile-up.
What’s most infuriating is ABCNews and the higher-ups at Disney’s low opinion of the American people. When they put this together, it didn’t occur to them that we’d notice. Like we’d completely miss what was unfolding right before our eyes. Just who looks stupider in this scenario, them or us?
Who lost? ABCNews and the Media.
With trust in the establishment media at an all-time low, the shenanigans we saw Tuesday undoubtedly caused it to nosedive even lower. Great job ABCNews! (my former employer, by the way, I used to work with Peter Jennings and Sam Donaldson, but that’s a story for another time)
As time goes on and the public analyzes both candidates’ performances, it becomes clearer this was another attempt by the Establishment to lie to the nation and install their puppet into the White House.
If you are actually still “on the fence” and not sure who to vote for, doesn’t it say something that the Establishment set up a three-against-one gang up on Trump to get rid of him? The people who literally lied about Joe Biden’s health being fine up until the week before he stepped down. Then orchestrated this sham “debate.”
You know why they didn’t think you’d notice? Because they think you are stupid! Because they think you are a rube!
They lied about Biden, rigged a debate, fact-checked only one candidate, and let the other skate, and now you are wondering who to vote for?! Look at the contempt they have for the public and for the nation! The sheer lack of honesty from the Kamala camp should make everyone’s choice clear!
Why didn’t the moderators ask her, “Kamala, do you feel any shame or regret for lying to the American people about Joe Biden’s fitness for office? Is there anything you’d like to say right now while you have the chance? Like an apology?”
Keep Dreaming
But that wasn’t even touched upon or brought up! Instead, we got Charlottesville, Abortion, and Project 2025 (yet again!). How can we trust her answer on fracking when she was lying about Biden literally a few weeks ago?! How can we trust her when she continued the debunked lie about Charlottesville and Trump’s nonexistent involvement with Project 2025?
During Kamala Harris’s one-and-only interview, she needed her emotional support clown, Tim Walz, by her side to help her out. During this debate, she NEEDED TWO!!! David Muir and Linsey Davis!
Did anyone notice how nervous she was at the beginning of the debate? She became decidedly more relaxed and confident when Muir and Davis jumped in to act as her point guards, which is pretty odd when you consider the fact she already knew they would. So why was she nervous in the first place?
As we inch closer and closer to Civil War, it astounds me that the media has no trepidations about angering the public. This was a blatant attempt to promote one candidate over another. That’s not journalism; it’s political sophistry.
She can only do an interview with an aide. Likewise, she needed help with this debate. Is this the person we want dealing with President Xi Jinping of China? Or Vladimir Putin? Or any other thug on the planet?
If you are a Democrat, you better pray she loses. Her administration will make the Titanic look like a pleasure cruise. In other words, it WILL BE a sinking ship and undoubtedly take your party with it. She might do so much damage the prospects of getting elected as a Democrat will be next to impossible for the next decade to come.
What I Learned
When asked, “Are Americans better off today than they were four years ago?” she responded, “Well, I grew up middle class.”
For the record, she spent her formative years attending boarding school in another country. In my book, that’s about as middle-class as saying you had caviar every day for breakfast because that’s all your English butler knew how to prepare with lobster omelets. She was about as close to being blue-collar as I am to being a guest on ‘The View.’
I’m already hearing the public learned nothing about her from the debate. Americans still need to know who she is and what she stands for. Well, they weren’t paying attention because I sure learned something!
When retelling the false, worn out, debunked lie about Trump praising “White Supremacists” at Charlottesville, she stated they were spewing “Vile Anti-Semitic Hate.” All while scowling from her moral outrage!
Interesting, so Kamala Harris thinks Anti-Semitism is vile? And she’s still a Democrat? Has she met the Squad? It’s hard to believe she’s never encountered Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib in person. If she did, did she launch into a face-to-face condemnation of their overt Jew Hatred? If so, I didn’t hear about it.
FACT CHECK! She didn’t pick Josh Shapiro, the Governor of Pennsylvania, as her running mate because he’s Jewish. You see, the Democrats were afraid they’d lose the Anti-Semitic vote within their party. Yes, that’s right, you heard me! There is an actual Anti-Semitic wing in the Democrat party. How’s that for Progressive? But I guess if they’re not carrying Tiki touches, it’s hard to spot Jew haters.
A real leader disgusted by Jew hatred would have taken a stand, picked Josh Shapiro, and told the Anti-Semites in her party to go to Hell. That’s called Leadership.
Instead, Kamala Harris provides what I call, “Leadershit!”
Trump was cornered
In closing, if Kamala Harris wins, she will not only be the first Woman of Color Elected President of the United States but also the last president of the United States because there won’t be a country left when she’s done. Think I’m joking? Last week, I started shopping around for an AR-15 and signed up for beginner through advanced training classes on how to use one. You see, I can’t escape the feeling I will need one handy in the near future.
And if you are a Republican and think Trump did badly, let’s get real. When he realized it was a set-up, his Irish blood caught fire, and he started swinging in every direction. The public is catching on after rewatching the “debate” a few times. It’s becoming clear what a ruse it was.
Don’t judge Trump on his lackluster 90-minute performance Tuesday night. Judge him on this STELLER four-year performance as President of the United States! Because he was outstanding!