“I literally don’t hear enough comparisons made to Hitler on a daily basis!” said no one ever.
A friend of mine asked me when the endless Hitler comparisons made by people on the Left about ANYONE on the Right began. He was shocked when I told him an ex-girlfriend of mine used to make them all the time back in 1996. But for me, it started long before that. In the year 1984, when I was sure it would burn itself out due to excessive overuse.
Boy, was I WRONG!
What began as a personal, minor annoyance has blossomed into full-fledged national mass psychosis, reaching a scale I never dreamed possible and unfortunately threatening the civil discourse we have grown accustomed to since the end of the Civil War.
Simplistic, childish and arrogant. Comparing anything and everything to the Third Reich and Nazism has become the battle cry of the shallow mind. The signature phrase for dollar-store historians and a sorry act of pretentious stupidity. Made vainly with the hopes of being taken seriously by would-be pseudo-scholars. It is the mark of an uneducated mind desperate for validation from others in the heard.
In other words; it’s just plain dumb!
Here is just a sample of my personal experience with this particular strain of idiocy;
The year I became a college freshman. My first encounter with what I call, “Concern Speak.” The low, quiet tone a person’s voice takes when discussing something of grave distress. Born from a growing inner fear that keeps them up at night, terrified of what the future holds. It is the same tone of voice a Doctor takes when delivering the devastating News to a terminally ill patient in the solitude of his office. It also helps to appear constipated when engaged in this type of conversion in order to emphasize ones mental anguish.
When discussing politics my classmates and professors all spoke in the hushed deadly seriousness of “Concern Speak” to emphasize their deep tribulations on how President Reagan’s administration reminded them of one thing;
Berlin, Germany, 1938…. Adolf Hitler.
They saw parallels in everything he said and did. I had friends and neighbors tell me as quietly as possible (so the Secret Police would not hear), of how they were afraid of being sent to a concentration camp one day soon. Of course, this would be after they were built, which never happened. A fact that went oddly unnoticed by the very same frightened masses.
When George H.W. Bush was running for President, my friends and coworkers told me in uneasy, nervous voices how he reminded them of one thing. Namely;
Hitler, Fascism, Nazi Germany.
In fact, his campaign manager, Lee Atwater, was compared to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, after President Bush won the White House. Atwater had committed the capital offense of focusing on the record of Bush’s opponent, Governor Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts. He chose to make his lousy history dealing with violent crime an issue. The Democrats didn’t see the fact Governor Dukakis was beyond soft on violent offenders as a legitimate campaign concern. No, it was the fact the Bush campaign brought it to the public’s attention that completely enraged them. Even to this day, they call it a giant lie. A “lie” which succeeded in revolting most voters, enough to secure a victory.
Dukakis’s atrocious job in office was seen as an irrelevant matter. Every recorded truth about his poor performance was merely labeled a “lie” or “half-truth” even though it has all been cataloged and documented. Dukakis made terrible decisions during his tenure as Governor. And so the Joseph Goebbels’ label was slapped onto Mr. Atwater. Which only makes sense. If George Bush is a Nazi, then anyone who works for him is a Nazi as well.
At one campaign rally, when it was clear he was going to lose the election, Governor Dukakis was heard screaming to the crowd, “You fools! This is what Hitler did!” Thereby implying he was one of the only ones who could see the “bigger picture” while the nation was duped into voting for a madman who would oversee the loss of liberty and the construction of labor camps.
Labor camps that never came to be while our liberty and the Bill of Rights remained intact. Strange, no one ever pointed that out to the doomsayers.
When Rudolph Giuliani ran for Mayor of New York City, my friends, neighbors, and coworkers all told me he reminded them of one thing….
I think by now you’ve guessed it.
One local News station even had an interview with an elderly Holocaust survivor who, once again, spoke in the timid, nervous speak of the terminally concerned. Holding his forehead with one hand while slumped over in a chair he spoke of how Rudy Giuliani disturbingly reminded him of his childhood in Berlin. How he couldn’t shake the feeling that, “it was happening again……” Clearly implying that if Giuliani were to win, box cars would soon pull into Penn Station to be filled with undesirable human beings. Those deemed unfit to live by the local Manhattan Reich. Disappearing forever. Probably sent to Death Camps in Weehawken and Paramus.
I am NOT kidding. I actually watched this interview on TV with my mouth agape! What the Hell were they all talking about?! This was a local city election!
In those days, New York City was awash in crime and decay. Businesses were leaving in droves, taking all their jobs with them. Boarded up storefronts were becoming common because no one was willing to rent out retail space while people were fleeing Manhattan for the suburbs. There were entire floors vacant in office towers fueling a real concern that some skyscrapers might stand empty and abandoned one day, becoming huge eyesores to the community. Something had to change, and Giuliani got that. He understood what the local problems were facing the city.
And how did his political opposition respond to all his ideas on improving the quality of life in the five Boroughs?
Talk about the Nazi Holocaust and World War 2.
That and maintain our current course because things, “weren’t all that bad.” These people all went to the ‘Marie Antoinette School of Political Science.’ No ideas. No solutions.
I was told by people who should have known better that Adolf Hitler launched his political career with the same promise to fight crime Giuliani did. A statement that is factually and historically false. This wasn’t the first time I had seen people completely make up facts about history to fit their myopic views of reality. I learned this lesson a long time ago; people who compare everything to Hitler, the Third Reich and the Holocaust have NEVER read a book on any of these topics! They never saw a documentary, never went to see a survivor speak, never spoke to a Jew who lived through the horrors of Nazism and never so much as read the biography of anyone who lived it first-hand.
And NO, seeing ‘Schindler’s List’ does not come anywhere near advancing one’s knowledge of the Holocaust! Far from it! Movies like this are a SANITIZED version of the truth. If you want to learn about the Holocaust, and I mean really learn then have the guts to watch the epic nine and a half hour long documentary, ‘Shoah’ by director Claude Lanzmann. But make sure you have something to vomit in while watching it because it WON’T be easy!
Then maybe you’ll shed your childish, infantile views on a topic you clearly know nothing about. And hopefully be one step closer to being an adult. Something we are in short supply of these days.
What’s the basic lesson here? If you run for office and you’re not on the Democrat ticket, then you are invariably a Nazi. No one has to listen to your ideas or anything you have to say because you undoubtedly don’t believe the Holocaust happened and it’s all part of a Jewish conspiracy. Making you a horrible human being no one would want to vote for. All because you don’t have a ‘D’ before your name!
This is literally the simple-minded logic of HIGHLY educated human beings.
In 1996 I had a girlfriend who was a hardcore Democrat. When we first started dating, she asked me about my political beliefs. At the time I was part of the Libertarian Party, something she had never heard of so I gladly explained to her the basic premise for Libertarian ideas. Small government. More Liberty and freedom. Her response;
“Oh my God, are you a Nazi? That sounds exactly like something Hitler would believe in!”
Translation: if you are NOT a Democrat then you ARE by default a Nazi. There is no gray area or middle ground. No subtle nuance of ideas. No intellectual discourse. Say this in your best caveman voice; “Democrat GOOD! Non-democrat BAAAAADDDDDD!”
Needless to say, when George W. Bush won the White House in 2000 I was treated to the same sad, worn out, constant comparisons to Hitler I’d suffered through for almost twenty years. I guess you could say since my political awakening occurred, at age 18, I’ve endured these comparisons from the uninformed and uneducated. What amazes me is how these people can consistently be wrong and never notice it! Or learn from their mistakes! They said Reagan and Bush were going to get rid of the Constitution and create a Nazi Police State with death camps galore as freedom vanished from the American landscape forever (which is why we all HAD to vote Democrat). Do the people who believed this ever say, “Hey, it never happened. We are all fine. Reagan peacefully left office when his term was up. George Bush left when Clinton defeated him. None of these dark predictions ever came to be. Maybe I was wrong?”
I guess I should keep dreaming.
In 2009 the Tea Party was in full bloom due to a new and unprecedented level of government overreach. The average voter felt stepped on and lied to by the Obama administration. So a grassroots movement of the proletariat formed to voice their opposition to what they saw as ‘too much government intrusion’ in our lives. This was not what the American idea is based on.
And so, for openly voicing their disapproval to an obscene level of government expansion these working-class peons were compared continuously to (you guessed it) the Nazi Party by all major media outlets. News anchors and political consultants on CNN were “disturbed by all the stunning similarities to Nazism” they saw coming from the Tea Party. There were also many, many predictions of violence in the streets that was sure to erupt. None of which came true.
Allegations were made of racial slurs being hurled at Black Americans just trying to walk through a ‘Tea Party’ rally. Anonymous sources claimed Tea Party crowds were openly hostile to anyone with dark skin. An interesting fact when you consider half the speakers at Tea Party events were Black (I know, I went to their rallies and saw this with my own eyes). But of course, the mainstream media couldn’t be bothered to report these facts. The Tea Party was label racist even though a millionaire offered a $100,000 prize to anyone who could provide video footage of Black Americans being harassed at a Tea Party event. A reward that to this day goes unclaimed.
That year I was taking a web development class at a local college. During a break one of my classmates was watching a promotional video the Tea Party put together with the intention of gaining supporters. In was pretty standard, run of the mill political ad fluff. Blue skies, flags waving, grandkids hugging Grandma in slow motion. Nothing earth-shattering or original from my point of view. While watching it, another classmate walked by and saw the Tea Party video on the screen and remarked with an arrogant smirk, “It reminds me of ‘Triumph of the Will.’ The infamous 1935 Nazi Propaganda film by Leni Riefenstahl.
I was enraged! I almost turned to this slack-jawed moron and grunted in a caveman impression, “Ug! Me smart! Me know ‘Triumph of Will.’ Uh! Me know little piece of history! Me smart like smart people smart! UG!” This just disgusted me! How can we have any political discourse in this country when one side of the aisle compares their opposition to horrific mass murders? I’m sure this fool thought of himself as quite intelligent, but he is far from it.
Celebrities with a triple black belt in stupidity like Rob Reiner openly criticized the Tea Party. During an interview with Bill Maher, Reiner spoke in a slow, solemn voice of his growing concern about the Tea Party. Wearing the obligatory constipated stare on his face, he spelled out how they were nothing more than an angry, directionless mob he was terrified would one day find a “Leader.” And that leader would, of course, be the next Hitler. This goes without saying.
Then according to Reiner, LOOK OUT! The New Reich will rise!
What a complete and total idiot. Once again, none of this ever happened.
What’s my point with all this?
Currently, we are bombarded with Hitler and Nazi comparisons regarding President Trump. All of which elicits a huge yawn from me. They are meaningless because they are the product of meaningless minds. Void of depth or wisdom. Quite frankly, I’m bored by them.
The late Christopher Hitchens used to say, “There are certain things stupid people say when they want to sound intelligent.” Boy was he right. If someone starts making analogies to Hitler and the Holocaust at the drop of a dime you can instantly be assured you are talking to an uneducated fool. This person is a pretentious moron with the burning need to feel important. So what do they do? Bring up Hitler every chance they get to promote a type of intellectual illusion. The problem is they come across as stupid. Quite stupid. Mainly because they are.
I’ll make a prediction right here and now. Actually, it’s not a prediction at all. More like a systematic observation. In the year 2036, there will be a Presidential Election. The Republican Candidate will be ________ ___________. After every speech, this candidate gives the ill-informed masses of the terminally concerned will equate everything this person says to something Adolf Hitler said. No matter what it is, and always in that same tone of hushed, super serious concern.
“Oh my God! Did you hear what he said? He wants to lower taxes on working-class families who earn under 40K a year. That’s exactly what Hitler said!”
The college professors of that day, the media pundits, the so-called “experts” will all say the same thing.
“This person reminds me of one thing………… Adolf Hitler!”
All highly educated people, the product of elite schools and elite educations, all who should know better. But as the great Rabbi Dennis Prager says, there’s a big difference between having knowledge and having wisdom.
I make the same prediction for the Presidential Election of 2024.
And 2028.
And 2032.
And 2036.
And 2040.
You get the picture.
If a Black Jewish Lesbian was the Republican Candidate for President, she would be compared to Hitler and called a Nazi. You know why? These people have nothing else to say because they have no ideas. They are members of a dead religion, unable to come up with real-world solutions to our problems. Why do you think the school system is a disaster? Because they run it exclusively!
At some point, this lame, repetitive stupidity has got to run out of steam. Anyone who talks this way might as well hold a sign over their heads saying, “I have absolutely NO IDEAS!” They deserve to be ignored, save your anger for something worthwhile.
Wow. I can’t believe I missed the Dukakis “you fools!” speech. I do remember all the other elections, and all the other tired Hitler tropes. I wonder how I missed that gem.
My favorite part of the Literal Hitler narrative is that __________ ___________ (insert candidate here) is fooling the public into believing he’s reasonable by using reasonable talk that can only be understood as Literal Hitler by those with secret-dog-whistle hearing. Because that’s totally what historical Hitler did.
I was recently “schooled” in this “fact” by a Jewish friend, who assured me “I should know because I’m Jewish.” I had to send her copies of pre-World-War-I news clippings of a race riot where Hitler made no bones about calling for the extermination of Jews. There was never any question as to what Hitler was about; genocide needs no secret handshake. To this friend’s credit, she read the newspaper and thanked me for it. I truly think she believed the dog-whistle trope because she’d been brought up with it.
Which means it’s probably been going on since long before you or I were in college. I’d almost bet that if we rented one of those trusty old Dragnet episodes from Movie Madness we could hear the Hitler trope spilling from the slurred lips of one of the doped-up hippies Joe and Bill save from trying to fly out a tenth-story window. “You sound like Hitler, man.”
It will be interesting to see how far into the future it extends. When (you’ll notice I don’t say “if”) they make a godawful CGI remake of the Jetsons, keep your ears perked.