OK, let me see if I can get this straight. Congressperson Ilhan Omar takes a couple of cheap shots at Jews, for which she was justly criticized as being anti-Semitic. Now according to her colleague, Rashida Tlaib, all the criticism directed at Omar is actually based on “Islamophobia.” In other words, there are no intellectual arguments for condemning her comments. They were all perfectly fine, rational and fact-based.
Meaning Congressperson Tlaib has no problem with anything Omar said.
This is just FASCINATING! A phobia is defined as “an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.” So if next week Congressperson Ilhan Omar says, “The Holocaust never happened. It’s all a hoax perpetrated by Zionist backed Jew Bankers,” and I express my outrage at this historically inaccurate, and hate-filled statement, I will be judged as “in the wrong” because I’m an Islamophobe!
Can someone please explain where the phobia comes into play here? If someone said to me, “The American Civil War never happened,” and I then point out how wrong they are, can that person then condemn me for having a “Phobia” associated with their ethnic identity? That makes no sense!
This is the epitome of Anti-Intellectualism!
According to Congressperson Tlaib, this Islamophobia exists on BOTH sides of the aisle. Meaning Democrats are just as guilty as Republicans. Wow! How about that?!
For decades the Democrats stood AGAINST anti-Semitism as a repugnant source of vile and disgusting bigotry. Simultaneously being the party most American Jews vote for. But now, just call them Islamophobes and they fold like a cheap deck of cards. That’s it? That’s all it takes to abandon your principles? Everything you stand for? Not one of them has the backbone to challenge this? History has taught us a dozen times over what it means to capitulate to anti-Semites. The results will NOT be pretty.
Look at the mental quicksand the Democrats have created here. What’s the saying about catching a tiger by the tail? Well, they’ve invited a tiger to dinner, and it won’t go away! They’ve been blasted and labeled with their own terminology and are rendered utterly useless as a result!
Is this the type of Leadership the Democrats plan to provide? Timid, weak-willed and indecisive?
If a phobia is an irrational fear of something, why can’t we say that Muslims suffer from extreme, “Hebrewphobia?”
When a tsunami hit the predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia in 2004 killing tens of thousands, did you know Imams in Mosques all over that country blamed Israel for the disaster? They claimed the Israelis detonated a Hydrogen bomb off their coast causing the killer tidal wave even though they had zero proof to back up this claim.
How’s that for IRRATIONAL? Does that qualify as an “irrational fear” in your book? Well, it does in mine!
Here’s another more important question, how long are we going to put up with this? How long are YOU going to put up with this? Will being called an Islamophobe send a chill down your spine and make you back down, cowering like a dog that’s been beaten one too many times? Will you abandon everything you believe in because calling barbarity precisely what it is, is just too much for you?
Are you ready to take a big Sharpie marker and start crossing stuff off the American Bill of Rights because almost everything on it “offends” the sensibilities of a pack of refugees from the Stone Age? Refugees we welcomed to our shores so they could have a BETTER LIFE but instead now seek to drag us down into the same Third World gutter they claim they wanted to escape from?
When is enough ENOUGH?!!!